Are Your Dreams Trying to Tell You Something?

Do you ever wake up feeling like your dreams are trying to communicate something important to you, but you just can't figure out what it is?

Readeryou're not alone!

Many of us experience vivid dreams that linger in our minds, suggesting that a deeper message or emotion is waiting to be understood.

Asking about the lessons and messages we receive in our dreams is one of the questions I am asked most frequently in my work with my clients.

It can be frustrating to feel the pull of these messages without knowing how to access them. Ignoring these dreams can mean missing out on insights that could lead to real emotional healing or understanding.

These nightly visions could hold the key to resolving deep-seated feelings or connecting more profoundly with your spiritual journey.

That's where my latest blog post comes in.

I delve deep into the art of dream interpretation, offering you tools and techniques to unlock the secrets your subconscious mind is eager to share. You'll learn not only how to interpret the symbols and scenarios of your dreams but also understand what it means when you encounter passed loved ones in these nocturnal narratives.

Dreams are a powerful bridge to your inner self; learning to interpret them can transform your understanding of your emotions and spiritual path.

Read the post here and start uncovering the hidden messages in your dreams today!

Warm regards,


PS I am working on a bundle that includes a Sleep Hygiene Checklist with a Dream Journal that will be chock full of information to guide you to use your dreams to assist in profound healing and spiritual guidance. This bundle will be available in the fall for $9 but as a member of my exclusive subscriber list I am offering this for free to the first three people who respond to this email to request the guide and it will be delivered in the fall when it's ready.

Hi! I'm Becc

Becc Nelson, LMFT is a spiritual, soulful, heart centered healer, speaker and author who has been serving as an expert in transformation and ascension since 1992. With a master’s degree in human development, and as licensed marriage and family therapist Becc has the wisdom and knowledge to assist her clients in transformational healing of mind, body and spirit. Becc’s work as a psychic medium, ordained minister and angel communicator provides a unique approach to healing that combines traditional approaches of therapy with intuitive guidance connecting you with the most elevated version of yourself and the highest connection with your soul.

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