Back by Popular Demand: Join Our Life-Changing "Cut the Shit" Workshop!

Great news Reader,

Due to overwhelming demand, we’re thrilled to bring back the "Cut the Shit: A Blueprint for Personal Revolution" workshop!

It’s clear that so many of you are eager to make profound changes in your lives, and we are here to guide you every step of the way. If you missed out last time, now is your chance to discover why participants are raving about their transformative experiences.

Do you ever feel stuck in a cycle, replaying the same patterns and habits, yet hoping for different results? Maybe you’ve tried making changes before, but nothing seems to stick, leaving you more frustrated than ever.

It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Feeling like no matter what you do, you end up right back where you started. This constant cycle can drain your energy and diminish your spirit.

You know something needs to shift, but what? How do you break free from this loop and start seeing real, lasting changes?

This is exactly why I created the "Cut the Shit" course, based on the principles of my book.

It’s not just another self-help course. It’s a transformative journey that guides you through understanding your barriers, enhancing your relationships, and cultivating a life that’s not only successful but truly enriching and exciting.

Join us for this powerful experience where we dive deep into practical, no-nonsense strategies that actually work.

What's Included

  • Four Live Zoom Sessions: Interactive sessions led by Becc, focused on deep personal transformation. Sessions are scheduled on:
    • October 9, 16, 23, and 30 at 7 PM EST.
  • Exclusive Zoom Link: Direct access to each live session, providing a platform for real-time interaction and learning.
  • Access to a Dedicated Facebook Group: Connect with fellow participants, share insights, receive support, and access additional resources throughout your journey.
  • Course Materials: Handouts, exercises, and other relevant materials that complement each session and enhance your learning experience.
  • Expert Guidance: Personalized support from Becc, leveraging her expertise to help you navigate and apply the concepts discussed.
  • Community Support: An opportunity to grow within a community of like-minded individuals who are also on a path to personal revolution.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Identify and overcome the real barriers holding you back.
  • Build stronger, more supportive relationships in both your personal and professional life.
  • Cultivate habits and mindsets that lead to lasting happiness and success.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Exclusive access to tools and techniques that have successfully transformed lives.
  • Personalized support in a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.
  • The empowerment to make this year your turning point.

Sign up NOW!

Your journey to transformation starts here. Don’t let another year pass wishing for change. Make it happen. Join us now and start creating the life you deserve.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey. I can’t wait to get started together!

Warm regards,


PS- Although not required "Cut the Shit: Reframe Your Thinking Regain Your Life" is encouraged reading to deepen your understanding and application of the course principles. Available for purchase on Amazon

Hi! I'm Becc

Becc Nelson, LMFT is a spiritual, soulful, heart centered healer, speaker and author who has been serving as an expert in transformation and ascension since 1992. With a master’s degree in human development, and as licensed marriage and family therapist Becc has the wisdom and knowledge to assist her clients in transformational healing of mind, body and spirit. Becc’s work as a psychic medium, ordained minister and angel communicator provides a unique approach to healing that combines traditional approaches of therapy with intuitive guidance connecting you with the most elevated version of yourself and the highest connection with your soul.

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