What a Month! Here’s How Manifesting and Community Changed My August

Ever feel like you're doing the work but not seeing the results you want Reader?

Or maybe you're struggling to find the balance between taking care of yourself and chasing your dreams.

You are NOT alone!

It’s easy to feel stuck in your journey when you’re trying to do it all alone. Whether it’s building your career, finding personal fulfillment, or just trying to manifest your goals, the path can often feel overwhelming and isolating.

Here’s the thing: going it alone isn’t the answer.

This month, I was reminded of the power of community and the magic of manifesting when life gave me two incredible experiences that completely shifted my perspective.

First, I spent an entire day learning and expanding with an amazing mastermind group. The energy in the room was electric, and it reminded me how crucial self-care, community, and continuous growth are to our success.

And then, something unexpected happened!

Matt Rife, a comedian you might know, shared an interaction we had on his social media!

The visibility I gained from that moment was surreal. It was a powerful example of how manifesting truly works when you align your intentions with action. Imagine setting a goal, putting it out into the universe, and then seeing it materialize in ways you never expected!

Here’s the truth: You don’t have to go it alone, and your dreams are absolutely within reach.

Whether it’s joining a supportive community or honing the art of manifestation, there are tools and strategies out there that can help you create the life you want.

Want to see how manifesting can work for you? Check out the video where Matt Rife shared our interaction. It’s a perfect reminder that the universe is always listening, and your desires are closer than you think.

Watch the Video Here

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Surround yourself with the right people, keep growing, and never underestimate the power of manifesting your dreams.

With Abundant Love,


P.S. If you’re ready to take your own growth to the next level and want to build a supportive community around you, I’ve got exciting news! This fall, I’ll be running a 4-week group program based on my book, "Cut the Shit." It’s your chance to dive deep, connect with like-minded individuals, and create real, lasting change. If you’re interested in being first on the list to be notified when it launches, just reply to this email with “I’m in!” and I’ll make sure you’re the first to know. Let’s grow together! 🌱

Hi! I'm Becc

Becc Nelson, LMFT is a spiritual, soulful, heart centered healer, speaker and author who has been serving as an expert in transformation and ascension since 1992. With a master’s degree in human development, and as licensed marriage and family therapist Becc has the wisdom and knowledge to assist her clients in transformational healing of mind, body and spirit. Becc’s work as a psychic medium, ordained minister and angel communicator provides a unique approach to healing that combines traditional approaches of therapy with intuitive guidance connecting you with the most elevated version of yourself and the highest connection with your soul.

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